Dr. Ali Fenwick is an expert in human behavior and technology. For over twenty years, he has studied the mind and human behavior, both academically and professionally. Dr. Fenwick is a professor of organizational behavior and innovation at a top business school where he has been teaching leaders from around the world for the past 10 years on how to apply psychology in the workplace, society, and personal lives to achieve greater happiness and success. As a professor, he conducts scientific research and supervises doctoral candidates in the field of organizational psychology, human development, and artificial intelligence.
Dr. Fenwick is the founder and CEO of LEAD TCM&LTM – Center for Applied Behavioral Sciences and Technology, which in 2013 was one of the first consulting agencies specializing in applied psychology and technology for human development. Through this center, Dr. Fenwick has advised both the private and public sectors on how to apply behavioral sciences in business and society to achieve positive and sustainable outcomes. In 2024, the center was renamed to Dr. Fenwick’s Laboratory for Human Behavior and Technology, focusing on conducting psychological and behavioral research, as well as providing training, workshops, assessments, advice, and other resources to empower human relationships, enhance well-being and performance, and use technology in a responsible and ethical manner.
Known on the internet as a modern psychologist, Dr. Fenwick has gathered millions of followers on social media through his engaging content, presenting human behavior and psychology to a global audience in a creative and unique way. Through a combination of science, eight words of wisdom, modern perspectives, humor, music, technology, and creative design, he explains complex topics in an accessible manner, resulting in a massive shift in behavior and mindset among many of his followers. Dr. Fenwick’s purpose is to make the world a better place. Dr. Fenwick and his team strive to find new ways to achieve these goals through the use of technology (including social media) in today’s digital world. In 2023, Dr. Fenwick was named one of the top20 voices in AI and people and business transformation.

Ali Fenwick